CPE Le Carrefour des Chanterelles

16 - Montérégie

Workplace description

We are an installation of 80 places including 15 infants. We distinguish ourselves by our caring, helpful and inclusive welcome. We are committed to providing a stimulating and harmonious environment so that each child, from all backgrounds, can develop and grow flourishing while respecting their own pace.

Why join our educational team?

We are a childcare center where mutual aid is part of our daily life. We have a dynamic team with an on-site cook, a specialized educator and her supports, an educational advisor, an administrative assistant and a general manager. We are a childcare center where mutual aid is part of our daily life. We have a dynamic team with an on-site cook, a specialized educator and her supports, an educational advisor, an administrative assistant and a general manager. We take the time to ensure that each child is considered as a whole.We base our actions on the particularities of each in order to offer a quality, personalized and unique welcome. By considering parenting skills, we tend to work closely with them for better continuity between the CPE and the home, the family being the element that has the greatest influence on the child.

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