Garderie Les Petits Poussins Bleus Inc.

06 - Montréal

Workplace description

The daycare is a private daycare, in accordance with the Educational Childcare Act, and its Regulation respecting educational childcare services, The daycare is a member of several educational associations such as the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Quebec. It also has an agreement with TAV colleges, Cegep Vieux de Montréal, CDI college, Canada College and Cégep Vanier to receive their students as interns. Guidance The daycare offers a stimulating and safe living environment in a family environment. It promotes development: physical and motor, socio-emotional and moral, linguistic and intellectual. It also promotes autonomy and conveys family values ​​such as Respect, Sharing, Responsibilities and Mutual Aid. To promote the achievement of its objectives, the daycare relies on the structure of the premises, the organization of activities and a democratic approach based on the orientations of the educational program issued by the Ministry of the Family.

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We have a very enthousiatic and professional team of educators. Administration is always there to listen to parents, children as well as the educators.

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