Garderies du CAAQ

03 - Capitale-Nationale (Québec)

Workplace description

The 2 daycares of <<Centre d'amitié autochtone de Québec>>are daycares that welcome a total of 68 children from all walks of life. Our private subsidized "Auassiss-Petit Enfant" daycare welcomes 30 children, mostly indigenous. Our private daycare "Mikueniss-Petite Plume" welcomes 38 children, both native and non-native. We are a beautiful environment open to the world and aware of the challenges of life in 2022 for children, families and for our educators. Our 2 teams are young and dynamic, a real environment where personal and professional development is possible and encouraged
Workspace website

Why join our educational team?

We follow the educational program and we apply all requests to comply with MFA laws and regulations. However, what makes our environment a unique environment is the very pleasant atmosphere and dynamics between the people who frequent our environment, children, parents, employees. Basically, our mission remains the same as elsewhere, however, being in an indigenous context, our mission is enhanced, because we add an important and truly enriching cultural and humanitarian component. The educators have great latitude in the organization and management of their group. We also have great stability in the teams. The daycare centers are not all young, but what shines is our educators who shine a little more every day through our various projects.

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